Building your Immune System During a Pandemic

Times are crazy right now and the main message that has been spread is ‘SOCIAL DISTANCE AND WEAR A MASK”.

While both things are important, a big thing that they continue to leave out is building out immune system.

Let’s be real for some of us no matter how careful we are we still may have a chance of catching it because just because we are careful, does not mean everyone is.

So, building our immune systems to fight against the virus and many other potential viruses is key.


Here are a few tips to help build our immune systems and be the best versions of ourselves.

  1. Avoid things that reduce or harm immune function i.e.. Stress, eating sugar, smoking, drinking alcohol, overworking, suppressing emotions. 

  2. Laugh more. Laughing increases activity of protective immunoglobulins. Do things to make you laugh such as watch comedy movies, read funny books, watch funny videos, hang out with goo people. Choose the people you hang with carefully.

  3. Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Suppressing your emotions will depress your immunity. Cry if you need to sometimes that can make all the difference. 

  4. Exercise in a balanced way. 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to boost your immune system. Overexerting your body will do more harm than help. It weakens the immune system. 

  5. Eat a balanced diet. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants that the immune system needs. Omega-3s, monounsaturated fats, and proteins are also beneficial to the immune system and helping it to do its daily activities. 

  6. Reduce your intake of sugar. One serving of sugar is enough to lower immune activity for a couple of hours.

  7. Sleep more and learn to rest. Failing to get the proper rest slow the production of disease fighting white blood cells and impair the activity of the natural killer cells. 

  8. Show more kindness to people. Kindness and caring have been linked to boosting the immunoglobulin antibodies in the nose. A happy side effect of showing people kindness is that it stimulates our immune system and helps us with our own internal housekeeping. 

  9. Let go of past hurt. Holding on to past hurts build bitterness and anger within us. This has a suppressive effect on our immunity. 

  10. Treat infections properly. Save antibiotics for infections that can not be used with herbs. The less you use antibiotics the more powerful they will be when they are really needed. Some useful herbs to fight infections include echinacea, oregano, thyme, elderberry, and garlic, among others. 

  11. Reset your immune system with a 3 DAY FAST. Fasting removes toxins from the body and helps organs to regenerate. If you are ill only fast with support from a practitioner.

  12. Clear your home of old energy. This can surprisingly get rid a lot of background stress that we do not realize we have. 

  13. Take your vitamins. Vitamins such as A, C,E and zinc and magnesium are great at boosting immune system. Some good natural sources include berries and dark leafy greens. Remember to always try to boost your body through your diet rather than just relying on supplements. 

If you find that these tips were helpful be on the lookout for more tips for ways to stay healthy for different parts of the body. 

If you are looking to get a customized plan for you book a free consultation here.


2021 Is All About Your Health